Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Foot prints in the morning dew

Foot prints through the morning dew
The breath that billows forth like clouds of pillow fluff
The sound so silent breaking now
No echo to my beating heart
Where is the day why does it wait?
As if to tease my waiting soul
I laugh a bit to test the sound
Can this be bliss that covers now?
The grass it bends with no retort
The sun doth wake with one eye snort.
I love the time this gentle walk
from porch to yard and onward strut
May all my mornings be so crisp
and I the one left under spell
I make a brief but solemn wish
May this brief moment last.

- Trish 2012


  1. I like it.. a lot. but I told you earlier that I admired your writing talents. Dan (dotdash)
