Saturday, April 26, 2014

I stumbled when I flew

I stumbled when I flew today.
I looked to see who saw me then,
But knew the audience was just Him.
I wondered how from lofty height
He lets me stumble, learn what's right.

For me, I blush and wonder why
He loves me 'nough to let me cry.
For life is full of joy you see
which goes beyond the tears I sigh.
I know my hurt is soon be fixed
He'll welcome me with hugs a mix.

But till that day, I'll stumble more
with each flight made and pride quite sore
I'm not the perfect, just forgiven,
Not so great this side of heaven.

I stumble more and smile inside.
For heavenward my Father sighs
and answers with a hearty smile
my needs that stack 10 times to high.

For joy you see is not mere laughs.
But learning contentment with my tasks.
For each one has her role to play.
Mine is right here, till this very day.
then stumble when I fly away.

- Trish 2014

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